Thursday, February 22, 2007


Looks like I'll be starting fresh in this blog since my old posts are all either deleted/lost/or forgotten on purpose.

Let's see what's newish:

1. No more WoW - Got banned for using a certain 3rd party program
2. Graduated from EMU - Got my masters in TESOL BUT... The crappy certificate/diploma says only "Master of Arts".... no information on my specific field. What the crap?
3. Got an engagement ring - Yep... the price of several used cars, but oh so much shinier.
4. Bought a Wii - Well what else will fill my World of Warcraft void?
5. Working on procuring a property for my business - Speaking of which... I have a registered company!

I'm sure there are a ton of other things but that'll have to wait.

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